WELCOME to Church

Join us on Sundays in-Person at 10:00 am or online at 10:30 am

Theme: "Faithful Through the Ages-Hope for the Future"
Lamentations 3:22 & Jeremiah 29:11

Upcoming Events




God's Word

Weekly Studies

Adult Sunday School

Children's Sunday School

Intercessory Prayer

The Lord has instructed us to pray not only for our own personal needs but to reach out and pray for others. The intercessory prayer team intercedes, reaches out, and prays for the needs of others seeking the presence and hearing of God's word.

New Members Ministry

The New Members Ministry welcomes new church members, helps them connect to other people and ministries within the church, and personally directs them where they need to go for assistance and services offered.

Online Giving

The Givelify app is a mobile online giving app that makes it convenient for absent church members and the homebound to continue their support of the ministry. It works for everyone and is easy to use. Go to the SRMBC website home page and click the Giving Icon in the upper right-hand corner. 

Live Streaming

Live streaming gives church members the feeling of being in the service. It also offers an expanded audience outside the church community, reaching potential members without making a commitment. Go to the SRMBC website home page and click the Facebook icon in the upper right-hand corner.


Contact Us

Solid Rock MB Church
8412 W Washington
Peoria, Arizona 85345
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 115
Peoria, Arizona 85380
Map  •   Directions
Phone (623)847-4440